Keep yourself safe when using Peer2Peer a.k.a. P2P programs such as Limewire or any of the various BitTorrent programs. When downloading and sharing files this way, computers are vulnerable to unwanted downloads, spyware, viruses and having your IP address collected and harvested. For those unfamiliar, an IP address is the numerical address assigned to each computer on the Internet. This is similar to every house having its very own address. It is important to use IP blocking software that keeps lists of dangerous locations and prevents any connections to or from them.
A highly recommended application to use is PeerGuardian 2 which maintains a large block list of IP addresses known to contain bad downloads and other intrusions. These are updated daily. PG2 allows you to select each block list which you want to use.
To add new block lists, do the following:
- Open PeerGuardian and click the 'Disable' button.
- Click 'List Manager'. This will open the list manager.
- Click the 'Add' button. This will open the Add List window.
- Under 'Description' you can leave the text field blank
- Under 'Location' click the 'Add URL:' option and enter the address of the blocklist in the text field.
- Under 'Type' make sure 'Block' is selected and NOT 'Allow'
- Click 'OK'
- Close the 'List Manager' window.
- Click the 'Check Updates' button if the lists are not updated automatically.
- Click the 'Enable' button to re-enable PeerGuardian after updating.
It is suggested the following lists are used. Each one needs to be added one at a time by repeating steps 3 through 7 for each one: